Generating BIM Product Structure and IFC

Generate Building Product Structure lets you generate a building model (geometry and information) in Building Information Modeling (BIM).

  1. From the Generate BIM Product Structure dialog box, from Entire Building , click one of the following:
    Entire Building Exports the entire building (all geometry and information).
    Space Plan View

    Exports the space boundaries information. Choose this preference when exporting for thermal analysis.
    Structural View

    Exports the structural information.
    Building Except Structure

    Exports the entire building excluding structural and foundation information.
    Volume View Generates BIM of volumes excluding the structural and foundation information.
  2. Click .

    Note: The IFC base properties for column base, beam base, brace base, and plate base are populated automatically. The properties update automatically when the feature changes.

  3. To generate the BIM information and geometry to IFC for use with other building viewing or authoring tools:
    1. From the top bar, click Share and Export.
    2. From the Export dialog box, from Format, select either IFC (*.ifc) or IFC (*.ifcziip).
    3. Make any additional changes in the dialog box to meet your needs.
    4. Click OK.
    5. To see listings of the data in the export, click Open report.