Creating a Mass

Building Massing lets you create a mass to start your building project.

  1. Create a closed sketch of the building as follows.
    1. From the Building section of the action bar, Positioned Sketch .

      Note: You can create a sketch using Sketcher.

    2. In the 3D area, create a closed sketch.
    3. In the Sketcher app, in the Sketch section of the action bar, click Exit App .
  2. To create a shape for the building:
    1. Create a sketch using Positioned Sketch .
    2. Use a command from the Solids section of the action bar to convert the sketch to a shape.
  3. From the Building section, click Building Massing .
  4. In the 3D area, click the sketch or shape to include in the mass.
  5. To change the building height, in the building, drag the Height handle to the desired height.

    Alternatively, type the height in the Height value box.

  6. To remove the building wall, from the Mass dialog box, click Remove Walls .

    Remove Walls is a toggle. The function highlights the toggle when the walls are removed.

  7. Click .