- Create a closed sketch of the building as follows.
- From the Building section of the action bar, Positioned Sketch .
You can create a sketch using Sketcher.
- In the 3D area, create a closed sketch.
- In the Sketcher app, in the Sketch section of the action bar, click Exit App .
- To create a shape for the building:
- Create a sketch using Positioned Sketch .
- Use a command from the Solids section of the action bar to convert the sketch to a shape.
From the Building section, click Building Massing .
- In the 3D area, click the sketch or shape to include in the mass.
- To change the building height, in the building, drag the Height handle to the desired height.
Alternatively, type the height in the Height value box. - To remove the building wall, from the Mass dialog box, click Remove Walls .
Remove Walls is a toggle. The function highlights the toggle when the walls are removed. - Click .