About Generating a Mesh Simulation Model for SIMULIA

Buildings and Civil Structures Design provides the capability to generate a mesh simulation model that you can open in Structural Scenario Creation, where you can perform simulation analyses.

To generate a mesh simulation model, you must have a valid license to use Structural Scenario Creation. The system checks for the license before generating the mesh simulation model.

In addition, create the building structural members using any selections of the following:

  • Catalog Column
  • Catalog Beam
  • Catalog Brace
  • Catalog Beam Pattern
  • Structural Plates
  • Structural Walls

Create the members by selecting from catalog selections or by using a profile sketch. The profile sketch can have any of the following shapes

  • Rectangle, which includes solid and hollow (box) shapes
  • Round, which includes solid and hollow (pipe) shapes
  • I, T, or L shaped
The mesh generation function supports steel structural elements based on sketches for solid and hollow structural members. The members can be of any size.

The generation process generates 1D mesh for all the linear members in the model and 2D mesh for all slabs in the model. The system then uses the meshes as input for structural analyses in Structural Scenario Creation, for example, for Buckle-Step and Static Step analyses.

Once you obtain the results from the analyses in Structural Scenario Creation, manually make the necessary changes in your building model.