Catalog Beam Options

The Catalog Beam dialog box provides options for creating catalog beams for your building project.

To access the Catalog Beam dialog box, from the Steel section of the action bar, click Catalog Beam .

These are the preferences for the Catalog Beam:


Select from these options to select a standard beam from a catalog or to select sketch for a beam cross section.


Creates a beam from a catalog of standard beam shapes.
Profile Creates a beam with a cross section determined by a sketch


Select from these options to determine the beam location with respect to the selected structural grid segment.


Creates a single beam on the vertical grid segment that you select.
Along gridline

Creates beams on vertical grid segments along the selected gridline.
All in story

Creates beams for all vertical grid segments on the same story as the selected grid segment.
Above and below

Creates a stacked vertical beam above and below the selected grid segment.

Creates an ascending diagonal pattern of beams from the pair of selected points.
Plane to plane

Creates a beam between selected planes. You can include points between the selected planes.
All on side

Creates beams on the selected side of the building.
All interior

Creates beams on the interior of the building.
All in building

Creates beams for every vertical grid segment in the structural grid.

U center

Select from these options to set the alignment on the U axis.

U plus

Positions the beam with the grid segment on the +U side of the beam.
U center

Positions the beam with the grid segment centered on the U axis of the beam.
U minus

Positions the beam with the grid segment centered on the U side of the beam.

V center Select from these options to set the beam along the V axis.

V plus

Positions the beam with the grid segment on the +V side of the beam.
V center

Positions the beam with the grid segment centered on the V axis of the beam.
V Minus

Positions the beam with the grid segment on the -V side of the beam.

Snap Rotation

Each click rotates the beam counterclockwise about its axis to align with the next grid segment to define the zero angular orientation for the beam.

For a beam, the zero angle orientation is the base orientation to which the system applies the rotation. Use this option to reorient the beam. The beam reorients until it bisects the angle between grid segments, or is tangent or perpendicular to adjacent grid segments at the base of the beam.

Snap Rotation

Each click rotates the beam clockwise about its axis to align with the next grid segment to define the zero angular orientation for the beam.

Flips the profile to mirror the cross-sectional sketch. This option is only available when you select Profile.
Curved Grid Segments

When the structural grid contains curves, this toggle switches between curved and straight grid segments. With curved grid segments, you can create curved beams.
Catalog Provides a list of catalog names from a list of standard steel catalogs. This option is only available when you select to create a Catalog beam.
Type Provides a list of available beam shapes. Available options depend on your Catalog selection.
Size Provides a list of available beam sizes. Available options depend on your Catalog and Type selections. This option is only available when you select to create a Catalog beam.

Lists your selection of a closed cross-sectional sketch for a custom beam. This option is only available when you create a Profile beam.
Catalog Beam Options

Opens to display these options:
  • Auto trim end 1 - When you select the check box, the system trims the beam to the neighboring column.
  • End 1 trim - Sets the trim dimension for one end of the beam. This option is unavailable if you select the Auto trim end 1 check box.
  • Auto trim End 2 - When you select the check box, the system trims the bottom to the neighboring structural member.
  • End 2 trim - Sets the trim dimension for the other end of the beam. This option is unavailable if you select the Auto trim end 1 check box.
  • Vertical offset - Sets the beam offset in the vertical direction.
  • Horizontal offset - Sets the beam offset from in the U direction
  • Rotation - Type or click the rotation angle around the axis. Valid range entries are from -360 to +360 degrees.
Note: Click to open the display. To hide the display, click again.
Visibility Options

Opens a display with these check boxes.
  • Show grid points on slabs - Displays grid points that lie on the slab surfaces. This option is only available in buildings with a mass.
  • Show grid points off slabs - Displays grid points that lie off the slab surfaces. This option is only available in buildings with a mass.
  • Show grid segments - Displays grid segments between grid points.
  • Show slabs - Displays slabs. This option is only available in buildings with a mass.
  • Show grid perimeter - Displays grid segments and points on the perimeter. The system does not display this option with the Diagrid and All on side selection.
  • Show grid interior - Displays grid segments and points in the interior of the structural grid. The system does not display this option with the All Interior selection.
  • Show grid points - Displays grid points. This option is only available in structures without a mass.