Structure Estimator Options

The Structure Estimator provides data such as summary totals and lengths of individual elements as well detail information for cast and catalog elements, piles, footings, and joists.

To access the table, from the Steel, Concrete, or Foundation section of the action bar, click Structure Estimator .

This page discusses:

Building Tab

The Building tab contains the following columns:

Lists the structure elements such as Cast Members, Piles, Footings, Joists, and Catalog Members.
Total Volume
Displays data as follows:
  • Piles - Volume of all piles and pile caps together.
  • Footings - Volume of all footings.
  • Cast Members - Volume of all cast columns, beams, braces, and corbels together.
  • Catalog Members - No volume data provided.
  • Joists - No volume data provided.
  • Slab - Volume of all slabs.
  • Structural Wall - No volume data provided
  • Plates - Volume of all plates.
Total Weight
The total weight for all catalog members together.
Total Length
The total lengths for joists and piles only.
Total Area
The total area for slabs, structural walls, and plates.

Piles Tab

The Piles tab displays the following columns:


The piles and pile caps.

The identifier for each type of pile and pile cap. These are the identifiers listed in the tree.
Attached To
For piles, the pile cap to which the pile is attached.
The cross-sectional shape of each pile type in the project.
Section Details
The width and breath for square piles and the diameter for circular piles.
The length of the individual pile.
Unit Volume
The volume of the individual pile or pile cap.
The number of similar elements of each type of pile and pile cap, that is, elements with the same shape, section details, length, and volume.
Total Volume
The total volume for each type of pile and pile caps.

Footings Tab

The Footings tab displays the following columns:

The type of footings in the building project. They can include Isolated and Strip footings.
The cross-sectional shape for isolated and strip footings.
Section Details
The width and breath of square footings and the diameter of circular footings.
The length of each type of footing.
Unit Volume
The volume of the individual footing.
The number of similar footings with the same shape, section details, length, and volume.
Total Volume
The total volume of each type of footing.

Cast Members Tab

The Cast Members tab contains the following columns:

The structural cast elements currently in the building project such as cast columns, cast beams, secondary cast beams, cast corbels, and cast braces.
The cross-sectional shape of each cast member type in the building project.
Section Details
The relevant measurements for the cast shape. For example, for circular beams, the column displays the diameter.
The length of each individual cast element type in the project.
Unit Volume
The volume of the individual cast elements.
The number of similar cast elements in the project with the same shape, section details, and length.
Total Volume
The total volume for similar cast elements in the project with the same shape, section details, and length.

Catalog Members Tab

The Catalog Members tab contains the following columns:

The catalog member such as catalog column, beam, secondary beam, and brace.
Section Details
The section details for the catalog member by type.
The length of the individual member.
Unit Weight
The weight of the individual members.
The number of similar members of each type, that is, with the same, type, section details, length, and unit weight.
Total Weight
The total weight of similar members with the same type, section details, length, and unit weight.

Joists Tab

The Joists tab includes the following columns:

The series and designation listing of the joists in the project.
The length of the individual joists.
The number of similar joists in the project with the same type and length.

Slab Tab

The Slab tab includes the following columns:

Name of the slab in the tree.
Story where the slab is located.
Gross Area
Gross area of individual slabs.
Perimeter of individual slabs.
Gross Volume
Gross volume of individual slabs.

Structural Wall Tab

The Structural Wall tab includes the following columns:

Internal or external walls.
Story where the structural wall is located.
Gross Area
Gross area of internal or external structural walls in the specified story.
Net Area
Net area of internal or external structural walls in the specified story.
Gross Volume
Gross volume of internal or external structural walls in the specified story.
Net Volume
Net volume of internal or external structural walls in the specified story.
Glazed Area
Glazed area of internal or external structural walls in the specified story.

Plates Tab

The Plates tab includes the following columns:

The type of plate: general, web, or flange.
Total length of the plates.
Total width of plates.
Thickness of plates.
Unit Area
Area of a unit of plates.
Unit Volume
Area of a unit of plates.
Number of plates.
Total Area
Total area of plates.
Total Volume
Total volume of plates.

Action Buttons

Click one of the following to implement the option.


Refreshes the data. A refresh may be necessary after an Undo.

Opens a Save As dialog box, where you can save the data on the selected tab to an xml or Excel file.
Export All

Open a Save As dialog box, where you save all the data in the Structure Estimator to an xml or Excel file. The Excel file displays with each tab as a separate worksheet within a workbook.