Building Tab
The Building tab contains the following columns:
- Lists the structure elements such as Cast Members, Piles, Footings, Joists, and Catalog Members.
- Total Volume
- Displays data as follows:
- Piles - Volume of all piles and pile caps together.
- Footings - Volume of all footings.
- Cast Members - Volume of all cast columns, beams, braces, and corbels together.
- Catalog Members - No volume data provided.
- Joists - No volume data provided.
- Slab - Volume of all slabs.
- Structural Wall - No volume data provided
- Plates - Volume of all plates.
- Total Weight
- The total weight for all catalog members together.
- Total Length
- The total lengths for joists and piles only.
- Total Area
- The total area for slabs, structural walls, and plates.
Piles TabThe Piles tab displays the following columns:
- Type
The piles and pile caps.
- Name
- The identifier for each type of pile and pile cap. These are the identifiers listed in the
- Attached To
- For piles, the pile cap to which the pile is attached.
- Shape
- The cross-sectional shape of each pile type in the project.
- Section Details
- The width and breath for square piles and the diameter for circular piles.
- Length
- The length of the individual pile.
- Unit Volume
- The volume of the individual pile or pile cap.
- Count
- The number of similar elements of each type of pile and pile cap, that is, elements with the same shape, section details, length, and volume.
- Total Volume
- The total volume for each type of pile and pile caps.
Cast Members Tab
The Cast Members tab contains the following columns:
- Type
- The structural cast elements currently in the building project such as cast columns, cast beams, secondary cast beams, cast corbels, and cast braces.
- Shape
- The cross-sectional shape of each cast member type in the building project.
- Section Details
- The relevant measurements for the cast shape. For example, for circular beams, the column displays the diameter.
- Length
- The length of each individual cast element type in the project.
- Unit Volume
- The volume of the individual cast elements.
- Count
- The number of similar cast elements in the project with the same shape, section details, and length.
- Total Volume
- The total volume for similar cast elements in the project with the same shape, section details, and length.
Catalog Members Tab
The Catalog Members tab contains the following columns:
- Type
- The catalog member such as catalog column, beam, secondary beam, and brace.
- Section Details
- The section details for the catalog member by type.
- Length
- The length of the individual member.
- Unit Weight
- The weight of the individual members.
- Count
- The number of similar members of each type, that is, with the same, type, section details, length, and unit weight.
- Total Weight
- The total weight of similar members with the same type, section details, length, and unit weight.
Joists Tab
The Joists tab includes the following columns:
- Type
- The series and designation listing of the joists in the project.
- Length
- The length of the individual joists.
- Count
- The number of similar joists in the project with the same type and length.
Slab TabThe Slab tab includes the following columns: - Name
- Name of the slab in the tree.
- Location
- Story where the slab is located.
- Gross Area
- Gross area of individual slabs.
- Perimeter
- Perimeter of individual slabs.
- Gross Volume
- Gross volume of individual slabs.
Structural Wall TabThe Structural Wall tab includes the following columns: - Name
- Internal or external walls.
- Location
- Story where the structural wall is located.
- Gross Area
- Gross area of internal or external structural walls in the specified story.
- Net Area
- Net area of internal or external structural walls in the specified story.
- Gross Volume
- Gross volume of internal or external structural walls in the specified story.
- Net Volume
- Net volume of internal or external structural walls in the specified story.
- Glazed Area
- Glazed area of internal or external structural walls in the specified story.
Plates TabThe Plates tab includes the following columns: - Type
- The type of plate: general, web, or flange.
- Length
- Total length of the plates.
- Width
- Total width of plates.
- Thickness
- Thickness of plates.
- Unit Area
- Area of a unit of plates.
- Unit Volume
- Area of a unit of plates.
- Count
- Number of plates.
- Total Area
- Total area of plates.
- Total Volume
- Total volume of plates.
Action ButtonsClick one of the following to implement the option.

Refreshes the data. A refresh may be necessary
after an Undo. |

Opens a Save As dialog box,
where you can save the data on the selected tab to an xml or Excel
file. |
Export All

| Open a Save As dialog box, where you save all the data in
the Structure Estimator to an xml or Excel file. The Excel
file displays with each tab as a separate worksheet within a
workbook. |