Exporting to SDNF

You can export catalog member and slab analytical information to a Steel Detailing Neutral Format (SDNF) file, which you can later import into a structural engineering application for further design and analysis.

  1. From the Building section of the action bar, click SDNF Export .
  2. To include linear member analytical information, click Include linear members .

    Linear member information includes the analytical data for all catalog beams, columns, secondary beams, and braces in the building project.

  3. To include slab analytical data, click Include slabs .
  4. To include structural plates, click Include structural plates .
  5. To change the default path or name for the SDNF export file, click Browse . Browse to the correct directory and select the file.

    Alternatively, in the File Name box, specify the file name and path.

  6. To create rigid connections between linear members, select the Create connections automatically check box.
  7. In the Tolerance box, specify the distance between the linear member analytical nodes within which a rigid connection is created.
  8. To change the units used in the SDNF file, select your preference from the Units list.
  9. Optional: Expand Data and specify the following details:
    1. Engineering Firm
    2. Client
    3. Project
    4. Revision#
    5. Issue Code
    6. Design Code
  10. Click OK.