Creating Plate User Pattern

You can create grid-driven plates at required locations.

Before you begin: Create a geometrical set or an ordered geometrical set containing lines, curves, rectangular patterns, circular patterns, or axis systems on which you want to place the structural members.
  1. From the Steel section of the action bar, click Grid Driven Plate User Pattern .
  2. In the Grid Driven Plate User Pattern dialog box, from Type, select the type of plate.

    Creates a general plate on the selected wires.

    Creates a web plate on the selected wires. Select this option to support flange plates and carry shear loads.

    Creates a flange plate on the selected wires. Select this option to resist bending movements.

    • When generating structural 2D views, general and web type plates do not generate any geometry. Flange type plates generate a single line representation. Multiple flange plates on a single grid segment generates only one single line representation.
    • When generating architectural 2D views, all plate types generate full geometry.

  3. Specify the values for Width and Depth of the plate.

    Alternatively, to change the dimensions of the plate, from the 3D area, drag the Width or Thickness handle.

  4. In the Position box, select a geometrical set or an ordered geometrical set.

    Important: Select a geometrical set which is different from and not contained in the in-work geometrical set.

  5. In the Direction box, select a line, plane, or an axis system to specify the direction of the structural member.

    • You can click Reverse to reverse the direction of the member.
    • The direction specifies the orientation of the local V axis of the member. Thus you can control the base rotation of the member around its axis. This is useful when attempting to orient a number of members on wires in the same direction.

  6. To create a plate user pattern in a new geometrical set, select the Create in a new geometrical set check box.
  7. To change the zero angle orientation for the plate, click either:
    • Snap Rotation Counterclockwise
    • Snap Rotation Clockwise
  8. Align the plate.
    1. To align the plate along the V axis, click one of the following:

      Option Description
      V plus

      Positions the plate with the wire on the +V side of the plate.
      V center

      Positions the plate with the wire centered on the V axis of the plate.
      V minus

      Positions the plate with the wire on the -V side of the plate.

    2. To align the plate along the U axis, click one of the following:

      Option Description
      U plus

      Positions the plate with the wire on +U side of the plate.
      U center

      Positions the plate with the wire centered on the U axis of the plate.
      U minus

      Positions the plate with the wire on the -U side of the plate.

  9. To set the trim, offset, and plate rotation, expand Options and specify the following values:
    1. In End 1 trim, enter or click to set the trim value.
    2. In End 2 trim, enter or click to set the trim value.

      Note: A positive value shortens the plate; a negative value lengthens the plate.

      Ensure that your entry does not exceed the plate length.

    3. To offset the plate horizontally, enter a value in U offset.
    4. To offset the plate vertically, enter a value in V offset.
    5. From Rotation, enter or select the angle in degrees to rotate the plate counterclockwise about its length.

      Valid range entries are from -360 to +360 degrees.

    6. To create a second plate symmetrical to the first one about the selected grid segment, select the Mirror across the grid segment check box.