Select a Rebar Mode
You can select a mode, an object type and planes to create rebars.
In the Rebar Creation assistant, select the creation mode from
the following:
- Template
to select a predefined rebar profile.
- Wire selection
to create a rebar
layer according to wires.
to create a rebar layer around an existing rebar layer.
- Mesh
to create a rebar layer on another
In our example, keep the Template
rebar creation mode.
Click Search an Object Type
From the 6W Search, select the rebar type.
Select a rebar type from the following categories:
- A fixed rebar type when the rebar shape you envision is defined by a fixed
dimension value. For example, each rebar layer has the same size, shape, and
number of bends.
- An adaptive rebar type limited by planes when the rebar follows the shape of
the geometry such as surfaces until limiting planes.
- An adaptive rebar type when the shape follows surfaces until its
- A freeform profile to adapt to isoparametric shapes such as curved bars.
- To avoid intersections and allow bar selection in Strap
mode, do not use too small a bar diameter.
- If an adaptive rebar type (Following Surfaces or Limiting Planes) is chosen, an
Identical bars check box appears in the
Pattern tab. By default, it is not selected and all the
bars follow the shape of the surfaces. If you select the check box, all the bars
are identical to the first layer bar.
- In the Wire selection mode, a Wire axis to
axis check box appears in the Pattern tab. If
you select the check box, all the bars are created at the pattern axis position by
putting in coincidence the axis of the wire and the pattern axis. If the check box
is cleared (by default), this coincidence is not applied.
In Template mode, to display a preview of the selected object
type in a side panel, click Template Helper
A template viewer opens and displays the shape of the bar type and planes.
There is a link between the Helper, the 3D area, and
the Rebar Creation dialog box, that is:
- When you click a support or an axis system in the helper, it is highlighted on the
3D Shape.
- If you click an element in the Helper (axis system or support), the geometric
inputs are valuated in the 3D area
the Helper, you can move and zoom in the rebar object type. Click again the same
element and the object type moves back to its initial
Select the plane of the first bar in the 3D area.
Click Apply after any modification.
A progress bar at the bottom of the dialog box indicates the progression of an
action, and contains information, for example: 30/50 rebars, to know the time required
for rebar creation.
To stop the computation, press the Escape, then the
computation is stopped and the feature returns to the state before this
Define Input Parameter
You can select input elements in the Input tab.
Select the rebar configuration, that is the diameter.
Modify the parameters for the selected rebar type.
In the Input tab, expand the ifc Reinforcing
bar section to verify the reinforcement details.
Select or Create Patterns
You can select or initialize a pattern layout.
Any change in the pattern specifications is reflected in the rebar shape and or the
location of the bars. This feature is not displayed in the tree as it carries specifications
but no 3D geometry. A rebar pattern can only be edited within the Rebar
Creation command.
Configure the pattern interactively using the direct manipulation and the flags
Specify the axis orientation.
Select the point to compute the pattern spacing.
Drag bars to modify them.
Determine the pattern layout.
By default, Linear pattern is
selected the Rebar Creation dialog box .
To modify the pattern manually in a text editor, click the
Pattern tab.
The area contains pattern information and, commands to delete
edit or select another
pattern (only possible
after the deletion of the existing one).
The linear pattern is chosen by default and it is defined in the text box. For
example, if you type 10x300mm , the pattern will contain ten axis
systems spaced by 300mm. The distribution text will be converted into pattern
The unit is set in Preferences. To change it, select from the top bar, then click the Common Preferences tab and expand the section.
You can choose the Count or Spacing modes and, the active mode is indicated in the
dialog box. For more information, see next step.
A list of a minimum of three rebars containing the pattern is displayed. Click to expand
the list.
You can use keywords in the text field (% followed by a character):
- %n: Number of bars in the rebar layer
- %f: Designation selected in the Object Type’s configuration table
- %d: Diameter of the bars
- %s: Spacing distance between the bars
- %c: Covering distance between the bars and the concrete borders
- %l: Cumulated length of all the bars in the rebar layer
- %w: Cumulated weight of all bars in the rebar layer
- %r: BarMark identifier if computed
To reinitialize the pattern distribution, do the following:
- Edit the text in the box, for example:
300mm+2x400mm+335mm . The
pattern will contain one axis system at 300mm, two axis systems every 400mm, and one
more axis system at 335mm.With the textual distribution, it is no longer necessary
to edit the pattern feature to modify or create pattern groups and their
distribution. The general distribution text format is: C1 x S1 + C2 x S2 + C3 x
S3. "Ci": is the number of axis of the group "i". If the number of axis of
this group is equal to 1, it can be omitted. "Si": is the spacing length of
this same group. It can be associated to a unit, or without unit
(3x300 ), in this case, the unit set in Preferences is used. If a
unit is typed to define a length, the same unit must be used for all
- Create pattern groups: Points must be created/selected in the 3D area.
- When you initialize the rebar layer layout, there is only one group in the
pattern. The Count and Spacing modes can be changed with the combo box. If you click:
- Count
: Only count
value modification and only one group are allowed. For example, if you only type
9 , the text is automatically converted into
- Spacing
: Only
spacing value modification and only one group are allowed. Spacing is the default
mode and a number of bars is computed by default. For example, if you only type
2000m , the text is automatically converted into
5x2000m and a bar is created every two meters.
- Count and Spacing
Count and Spacing values modification is allowed and several groups can be
created. For example, when you type 13x3000mm+2x0.5m , the text is
converted with the same unit 13x3000mm+2x500mm , the preview
updates and the bar are displayed in the 3D area.
You obtain two groups. If a Pattern end point is specified, a Limit
Spacing option is available to shift the Pattern distribution.
Invalid text is identified with an error message in the dialog box. If
the current mode is Count and spacing, it can contain as many groups as required,
separated by the plus sign. All the groups created are in the Count and spacing
mode. There cannot be several groups with different modes. If you change the
definition of one group, the text editor is grayed out. If a pattern end point is
specified, a Limit Spacing option is available to shift the
pattern distribution. If a start and/or end offset values are defined,
distribution is done between these boundaries. The start and end offsets are not
managed in the text editor, edit the pattern by clicking to modify their
Click to launch the
pattern for more precise edition. The pattern dialog box opens. If you click a bar
belonging to Group1 in the 3D area,
the Group1 panel opens and you retrieve the input values you
entered manually: 13x3000mm . You can do the same for Group2:
2x500mm .
You can edit a bar locally in a Group panel. Then the text distribution is updated
in the Rebar Creation window with the values you modified
interactively, for example: 13x3000mm+1x150mm+1x445mm .
Click Apply after any modification.
A progress bar at the bottom of the dialog box indicates the progression of an
action, and contains information, for instance: 30/50 rebars, to know the time
required for rebar creation.
To stop the computation, press the Escape, then computation is
stopped and the feature returns to the state before this computation.
Manage Extremities
You can handle extremities which consists in adding extra edges at each extremity
of the bars.
The rebar creation command enables you to add extra edges at each extremity of the
Click the Extremities
Specify the start and end hooks.
Click Apply after any modification.
A progress bar at the bottom of the dialog box indicates the progression of an
action, and contains information, for instance: 30/50 rebars, to know the time
required for rebar creation.
To stop the computation, press the Escape, then computation is
stopped and the feature returns to the state before this computation.
Create Bends
You can create bends also referred to as bending segments and specify the bending's
radius on the rebar profile.
You can also specify the bending's radius on the rebar profile.
Click the Bends
tab, and create bends.
Select the Create Bends check box to create a single bend on
each sharp vertex of the wire.
Change the radius value:
- To change the bend radius value for all bends at a time, modify the default
- To change the bend radius value for a single bend, select the corresponding
Bend check box.
- Alternatively, you can edit the bend radius value through the immersive flag in
the 3D area. Each bend is assigned a flag.
Click Apply after any modification.
A progress bar at the bottom of the dialog box indicates the progression of an
action, and contains information,for instance: 30/50 rebars, to know the time required
for rebar creation.
To stop the computation, press the Escape, then computation is
stopped and the feature returns to the state before this computation.
Check Interferences
You can check rebar interferences. A rebar interference ensures the
non-intersection of the rebar layer with itself or other elements (concrete body, neighbor
Click the Interference
tab to check for interferences.
Click Apply after any modification.
A progress bar at the bottom of the dialog box indicates the progression of an
action, and contains information, for instance: 30/50 rebars, to know the time
required for rebar creation.
To stop the computation, press the Escape, then computation is
stopped and the feature returns to the state before this computation.