Open a 3D Shape.
From the Reinforcement section of the action bar,
click Rebar Group
To select the input rebar support, hover over a surface or an edge in the 3D area.
To design a 2D layer profile, click Sketch
the contextual toolbar.
After validating your profile via the Rebar Profile panel
and the Tools Palette, you can choose a configuration value. Each
profile is used as a layer for a rebar group. In the Rebar Profile
panel, you can:
- Set a Configuration diameter value on the profile to define the future layer. You
can also modify it in the Rebar Group window as explained
- Remove the actual profile or all the profiles at initialization by clicking .
To edit a profile, double-click it in the tree. The Profile panel is displayed.
Click OK to validate your design.
Click to create another profile or
to go back to the Concrete Structures 3D Design
The Rebar Group dialog box appears, displaying the following
Each profile is used as a layer for a rebar group.
To reinitialize the rebar group distribution, expand the
Distribution section and do the following:
The Distribution area containing pattern information and,
commands to delete
edit or select another pattern
(only possible after
the deletion of the existing one).
The linear pattern is chosen by default and it is defined in the
Distribution text box. For example, if you type
10x300mm , the pattern will contain ten axis systems spaced by 300mm.
The distribution text will be converted into pattern definition.
The unit is set in Preferences: From the top bar, select , and then click the Common
Preferences tab and expand the section.
You can choose the Count or Spacing modes and, the active mode is indicated in the
dialog box. For more information, see next step.
A list of a minimum of three rebars containing the pattern is displayed. Click to expand the
- Edit the text in the Distribution box, for example:
300mm+2x400mm+335mm , or 3x300 . The pattern will
contain one axis system at 300mm, two axis systems every 400mm, and one more axis system
at 335mm.With the textual distribution, it is no more necessary to edit the Pattern
feature to modify or create Pattern Groups and their distribution. The general
distribution text format is: C1 x S1 + C2 x S2 + C3 x S3. "Ci": is the number of
axis of the group "i". If the number of axis of this group is equal to 1, it can be
omitted. "Si": is the spacing length of this same group. It can be associated to
a unit, or without unit. If it does not have unit, the unit set in Preferences is
used. If a unit is used to define a length, the same unit must be used for all
- Create Pattern groups: Points must be created/selected in the 3D area to
split existing groups into two parts.
- When you initialize the rebar layer layout, there is only one group in the
pattern. The Count and Spacing modes can be changed with the combo box. If you click:
- Count
: Only count
value modification and only one group are allowed.
- Spacing
: Only spacing
value modification and only one group are allowed.
- Count and Spacing
: Count
and Spacing values modification is allowed and several groups can be created. If a
Pattern end point is specified, a Limit Spacing option is
available to shift the Pattern distribution.
If the current mode is Count and spacing, it can contain as many groups as
needed, separated by the plus sign. All the groups created are in the Count and
spacing mode. There cannot be several groups with different modes. If you change the
definition of one group, the text editor is grayed out. If a pattern end point is
specified, a Limit Spacing option is available to shift the
pattern distribution. If a start and/or end offset values are defined,
distribution is done between these boundaries. The start and end offsets are not
managed in the text editor, edit the pattern by clicking to modify their
- Click to launch the
pattern for more precise edition.
Click anywhere in the 3D area to
validate the distribution text, and the preview of the Axis systems is refreshed. An
error message may appear if the input distribution text is incorrect. The pattern
distribution is reinitialized with this text. Then you can continue to edit the rebar
To edit/move a rebar layer, especially when it intersects with another one in the 3D area, click it
in the Rebar Group dialog box and do one of the following:
Change the shift of the layer with the option called With
length by defining a numerical length value normal to the sketch plane.
And click Reverse to define the
shift side.
Change the shift with the From selection option, by using
another layer as contact referential. The From selection is
highlighted to reveal the possible selection of a layer to move the first one. Click
Reverse to define the
shift side.
Before clicking Apply, you can visualize the first bar of each
layer in the 3D area.
Click Apply to compute the rebar layers.
The rebar layers follow the pattern.
Each rebar layer is defined by a sketch profile, the pattern and the plane. In the tree, the Reinforcing bars Group Set contains a Geometry node aggregating the geometries
of the rebar groups and the new sketch called Reinforcing bars Sketch.
In the tree, a Reinforcing Bars Group Set is created in which you can find: