Initially, the app uses the Building preferences for setting wall thickness. You can change these initial default settings from . Expand the Building & Civil node, and use the Buildings Space Planning node and the Building tab.
In the tab, the wall thickness settings include defaults for:
- Exterior Wall Thickness - This default includes the mass wall thickness.
- Shaft Wall Thickness - This default is for shaft and elevator shaft walls.
- Interior Wall Thickness - This default is both for walls and spaces that you add.
- Column Reservation Thickness - This default is the thickness for column reservations. The system uses the default for BIM (IFC) export. You can only change this thickness in the Building tab.
You can change wall thickness from most individual elements. The commands for making these changes are:
- Wall Thickness
- This command is a context toolbar command that is available in the tree and in the 3D area for any of these selected elements:- Building mass
- Space
- Stairwell
- Elevator
- Shaft
In the tree, you can use the Wall Thickness command to change wall thickness for all walls of a selected element. In the 3D area, you can select an individual wall and use the Wall Thickness command to change the thickness of only that wall. - Editing a wall command - This option only works for changing the wall thickness on a wall that you already created. To edit a wall, double-click the wall and change the wall thickness in the 3D area.