Creating a Rectangular Space, Shaft, or Elevator

You can create a rectangular shaft or elevator without first creating a sketch or shape.

Before you begin: Use Activate Story to select the story where you want to locate the space or begin the elevator or shaft .
  1. From the Building section of the action bar, choose one of the following:
    • To create an elevator, click Elevator .
    • To create a shaft, click Shaft .
  2. From the dialog box, from Profile , click Rectangle .
  3. From the 3D area:
    1. Move the rectangle to the desired location and click to snap into place.
    2. Enter the height, width, and length in the respective value boxes.

      Alternatively, use each dimension handle to adjust the dimension. The system displays a ruler as a guide.

  4. To remove walls, from the dialog box, click Remove Walls .

    Remove Walls is a toggle. It is highlighted when the walls are removed.

  5. Complete the remainder of the dialog box, if applicable.
  6. Click .

    Tip: To see an isometric view of the building, use the View Selector .

  7. To move or rotate the element:
    1. Click the element.
    2. Use the Robot to manipulate the element.