Creating a Material

You can create a new material to register with Materials Management.

Before you begin:
  • You can obtain a file that contains example substances by contacting Dassault Systèmes Customer Support.
  • To define constituency in Materials Management, the substances must already exist in Materials Registration.
  • You can only create a formulated material in Formulation Design.
  • If you only have the Formulation Designer role or Laboratory Reviewer role, you can only view materials. You cannot create or edit materials.
  1. On the Materials Management home page, click Create New Material.
  2. On the Create New Material page, define the material.
  3. Optional: Under Assigned Identifier, click to add an identifier provided by an external authority, such as CAS or ATCC.
  4. Optional: Define constituency.
  5. Optional: For Sourced materials, add supplier information.
  6. Optional: Define additional properties.
  7. Click Submit.