About Functions and Methods

This functionality is designed to help you define new functions or methods without going through C++ programming. It can be accessed by clicking Create Function or Method. These functions/methods are stored in the database and then displayed in the tree view under a specific node called knowledge functions.

See Also
Defining Functions and Methods

You can create functions and methods by clicking Create Function or Method. The function/method is written in the Enterprise Knowledgeware Language (EKL) and lets you:

  • Specify the function/method name,
  • Specify its notation (function/method),
  • Specify its arguments using Knowledge types,
  • Specify its return type,
  • Specify its behavior either in the EKL or in Visual Basic.

For more information concerning this language, see the Engineering Rules Capture User's Guide

Those knowledge functions are made available to all objects relying on the EKL. They are displayed in the knowledge browsers and can be used if:

  • They have just been created
  • The index has been re-generated.