Instantiate Template Operation

This topic provides you with information concerning the Instantiate Template Operation.

This page discusses:

See Also
Defining Functions and Methods

Accessing this Operation

This operation can be accessed by clicking Instantiate Template .

Describing this Operation

This operation enables you to instantiate a Power Copy, a User Feature into a 3DShape. The expert user specifies where the template will be instantiated. For a Power Copy and a User Feature, it is a part or a body, otherwise it is a product. When defining this operation, the expert user creates a few inputs that will valuate the inputs of the template. With the Instantiate a Template Operation, the expert user has two ways to instantiate the template feature into the user app:

  • With the standard instantiation tab, so that you will valuate the inputs when operating the operation, through selection or through the Use Identical name functionality.
  • Without the standard instantiation tab. To do so, the expert user will have to pre-valuate the inputs of the template feature on the operation.
For the indirect instantiation, three different valuation modes enable the expert user to pre-valuate the inputs of the template feature :
  • Use Identical Name: Is similar to Use Identical Name that you can use in the standard instantiation tab. You can add a variable whose name is identical to the User Feature input to valuate and valuate this variable (link for example). This option enables you to automate the instantiation if all inputs are declared and initialized on the operation, they will be valuated in the template and the standard instantiation tab will not be displayed.
  • Inputs Initialization: Enables you to valuate the inputs of the template feature by adding inputs to the operation. To do so, use Add in the Defined inputs and parameters field. This option is to be selected for parameters or geometric features only.
  • Best Strategy: Uses Use Identical Name if need be and valuates the remaining inputs by using the specifications indicated by the expert user.

More Information

Note that the output feature of this operation is a user feature, the instantiated product of the document template, or <unset> if the input was a power copy.

Using this Operation Interface

Name Name attributed to the operation.
Comment Comment attributed to the operation.
Edit button Lets you access the editor.
Definition Type the name of the catalog. Can be retrieved using a Query Component operation.
Template from a catalog
Template in a 3D Shape Representation
Template name Type the name of the template.
Template Type Select User Feature or Power Copy.
Resource Table Input Enter the name of the resource table entry or click ... to access the Resource table management tab . For more information about the resource table, see Creating a Resource Table in the Engineering Rules Capture User's Guide.
Instantiation context Indicate the instantiation destination. The destination can be a Part, a PartBody, a Geometrical Set or a Product, depending on the type of the template feature.
Valuation Mode See above.
Defined inputs and parameters: Use this field to add, modify or delete parameters. For more information, see the FilterCatalog Operation.