Instantiate Engineering Template Operation

This topic provides you with information about the Instantiate Engineering Template operation.

This page discusses:

See Also
Defining Functions and Methods

Accessing this Operation

This operation can be accessed by clicking Instantiate Engineering Template .

Describing this Operation

This operation enables you to instantiate an engineering template. The expert user specifies where the template is instantiated. When defining this operation, the expert user creates a few inputs that will be valuate the inputs of the template. With the Instantiate a Template Operation, the expert user has two ways to instantiate the template feature into the user app:

  • With the standard instantiation tab, so that you valuate the inputs when running the operation, through selection.
  • Without the standard instantiation tab. To do so, the expert user pre-valuates the inputs of the template feature on the operation.
For the indirect instantiation, the expert can pre-valuate the inputs of the template feature: The application adds a variable whose name is identical to the UDF input to valuate, and valuates this variable. Then it valuates the remaining inputs using the specifications indicated by the expert user. When the inputs are valuated, the Instantiation dialog box opens.

More Information

Operation Variables: The variables of this operation are listed below:


  • Engineering template: A pointer that, when valuated, is linked to the output of the QueryComponent operation.
  • Resource Table Input: string – the logical name of an engineering template referenced in the resource table.
  • Destination: a pointer – in V6RX+3, the Product under which the engineering template is instantiated.
  • Prefix: the string to prefix the PLMIDS of the component of the template.
  • Suffix – the string to suffix the PLMIDS of the component of the template.
  • UseCustoRule : Boolean to be set to true if a predefined customization rule is to used when generating the new PLMIDS.
  • GeneratedInstances : a list containing all the instances that have been created during the execution of the behaviour.
Batch instantiation

You can define at build time the way these inputs are valuated at run time. To do so, create on the Instantiate engineering template the variables having the same name than the inputs of the engineering template and link them to the outputs of other operations.

Let's take the example of an engineering template having an input MySketch whose type is "sketch". At run time, this engineering template is to be instantiated under a Product having a 3DShape containing a Sketch. To instantiate the engineering template with a user operation, the sequence is enriched using a Bind a Representation operation and a Bind a component operation to retrieve the Sketch from the 3DShape.

An input variable named "MySketch" is created on the Instantiate engineering template and is linked to the output Link of the BindObject.2.

At run time the instantiate engineering template maps its inputs variables with the inputs of the engineering template and when all templates inputs are valuated, the instantiation is performed in batch mode.

Interactive instantiation When at run time the Instantiate engineering template cannot valuate all the inputs of the engineering template, the instantiation tab of the engineering template is launched so that the end user can select the correct value.


Summary of the different cases

engineering template N inputs Operation N inputs Same name, same type than the expected Batch Instantiation
engineering template N inputs Operation N inputs Same name, one or more has an invalid type Interactive instantiation
engineering template N inputs Operation with less than N matching inputs Interactive instantiation

Using this Operation Interface

Name Name attributed to the operation.
Comment Comment attributed to the operation.
Edit button Lets you access the editor.
Definition Type the name of the resource table entry.
Knowledge Template
PLM Template
Type the name of the template.
Resource Table input
Instantiation context Indicate the instantiation destination. The destination can be a Part, a PartBody, a Geometrical Set or a Product, depending on the type of the template feature.
Template Inputs Valuation Enter a string to prefix/suffix the instantiated object.
Defining Prefix/Suffix
Using customization rule Enter a customization rule which is by default based on preferences, the date and time of the object instantiation.
Defined inputs and parameters Use this field to add, modify or delete parameters. For more information, see the FilterCatalog Operation.