Synchronize Parameters Operation

This operation can be accessed by clicking Synchronize Parameters operation.

This page discusses:

See Also
Working with Binds

Accessing this Operation

This operation can be accessed by clicking Synchronize Parameter .

Describing this Operation

This operation is designed to synchronize two parameters of the extended object. When the operation is executed, both parameters have the same value: Given A and B two parameters: If A=5 and B=2, B=5 only after the operation is executed.

Using this Operation Interface

Name Name attributed to the operation.
Comment Comment attributed to the operation.
Link From Parameter First parameter (selected in the Operations tree.)
To Parameter Second parameter to be synchronized (selected in the Operations tree.)
When To Parameter is a pointer referencing an external parameter, modify the value of the later

More Information

The content of the From Parameter and the To Parameter fields depend on the type of entries. You can point literals, a simple pointer or a pointer valuated by a formula. Different cases are possible:

  • Parameter 2 = Parameter
  • Pointer 2 points the same thing as pointer 1
  • The pointer can be assigned a link: This pointer is linked to the value.