Accessing this OperationDescribing this OperationYou can handle knowledge dialog operations in the build time and in the run time environments. Build TimeYou can create a Knowledge Dialog operation that works with any of the knowledge-based dialog that exists in the current PLM Knowledge Component. Available knowledge dialogs are listed in a simple browser accessible from the operation interface. An automatic mapping between the knowledge dialogs inputs/outputs and the operation inputs/outputs is guaranteed. Those outputs may be used in other operations of the same sequence, to link the knowledge dialog to the current process. Make sure you have created a knowledge dialog in the Know-how Apps component to use it in the Knowledge Dialog. Run TimeAt run time, the specified dialog is retrieved from the Know-how Apps Component defining the user app, and is launched, waiting for user interaction if necessary (depending on the dialog design). When the dialog is closed (for example by clicking OK or Cancel), the operation ends its operation and the sequence continues by running the following operations. Using this Operation InterfaceYou can find information concerning the interface.