FCS Settings for C2D Files

You should deploy the C2D files and the application contents in the FCS and also make appropriate changes to the web.xml file.

You can set up configurations with multiple FCS servers enabled in different locations servicing one or more clients. In a working environment, there can be multiple combination of FCS and MCS setups.

See Also
About AutoVue 2D Viewer Installation Setup
Installing AutoVue 2D Viewer Client
  1. On FCS server, ensure the folders markup and xref with their content are present.

    The folders and thier content is present in the <Application server Loc>\webapps\<Application>\integrations\c3d folder. The folders are available on the MCS server machine after C2D is installed.

    If they are not already present in the FCS application, these folders and their content can be copied from the ENOVIA installation on MCS server machine from the following locations:

    • <ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Install Location>\STAGING\ematrix\integrations\c3d\markup

    • <ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Install Location>\STAGING\ematrix\integrations\c3d\scripts
    • <ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Install Location>\STAGING\ematrix\integrations\c3d\xref

  2. Ensure the following JAR files are present in the application's WEB-INF\lib folder on the FCS:

    The JAR files are available on the MCS server machine after C2D is installed.

    • framework.jar
    • avjnlpservlet.jar
    • ENOC3DConnector.jar
    • log4j-api.jar
    • log4j-core.jar
    • log4j-web.jar
    • vuelinkcore.jar
    • vuerdvservlet.jar
    • vueservlet.jar
    • ENOViewerIntegrationFramework.jar
    • ENOCoreIntegrationFramework.jar
    • owasp-esapi-2.1.0.jar
    • commons-fileupload-1.2.2.jar
    • commons-io-1.3.2.jar

    If they are not already present in the FCS application, you have to copy them from the ENOVIA installation on MCS server machine from the following location, <ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Install Location>\STAGING\ematrix\classes.

  3. Ensure the following property files are present in the application's WEB-INF\classes folder on the FCS:

    These property files are available on the MCS server computer after C2D is installed.

    • ESAPI.properties
    • AvESAPI.properties
    • c3dIntegrationStringResource_deNative.properties
    • c3dIntegrationStringResource_de.properties
    • c3dIntegrationStringResource_en.properties

    • c3dIntegrationStringResource_frNative.properties
    • c3dIntegrationStringResource_fr.properties
    • c3dIntegrationStringResource_itNative.properties
    • c3dIntegrationStringResource_it.properties
    • c3dIntegrationStringResource_jaNative.properties
    • c3dIntegrationStringResource_ja.properties
    • c3dIntegrationStringResource.properties
    • c3dIntegrationStringResource_zh_CNNative.properties
    • c3dIntegrationStringResource_zh_CN.properties

    If they are not already present in the FCS application, you have to copy the property files from the ENOVIA installation on MCS server machine from the following location, <ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Install Location>\STAGING\ematrix\properties.

  4. The following servlet and servlet mappings should be added at the appropriate location in the web.xml file on the FCS:

    <servlet id="c3dVueServlet"> 
    <param-value><AutoVue server name/AutoVue server IP>:<AutoVue server port></param-value> 
    <servlet id="c3dVueJNLPServlet">
    <servlet id="c3dVueRDVServlet">
    <servlet id="c3dconnectorservlet">
    <servlet-mapping id="c3dVueServletmapping"> 
    <servlet-mapping id="c3dVueJNLPServletmapping">
    <servlet-mapping id="c3dVueRDVServletmapping">
    <servlet-mapping id="c3dconnectorservletmapping">

    • Specify the value of <AutoVue server name/AutoVue server IP> as either the name or the IP of the machine on which AutoVue server is running.
    • Specify the value of <AutoVue server port> as the port of the AutoVue server on the above mentioned machine.

  5. Ensure the following for modifications in the web.xml for multiple FCS-MCS combinations:

    Setup Configuration Settings
    FCS URL and MCS URL are the same. (MCS FCS) The web.xml on the MCS machine is considered.
    FCS URL and MCS URL are different. (MCS FCS) The web.xml on the FCS machine is considered.

    If MCS FCS, there can be a common AutoVue server, if both MCS and FCS are in the same network. If MCS and FCS are not in the same network, then you must install AutoVue server on the FCS computer network.

    Install the AutoVue Server either on a dedicated machine or on the MCS/FCS machine the server will connect to.

  6. To validate and troubleshoot CD integration in an FCS setup:
    • When MCS = FCS and both (MCS and FCS) are using the same Oracle AutoVue server, run the following URL from a web browser:

      http://<ENOVIA MCS Server Name OR ENOVIA MCS Server IP>:<Application Server port>/<ENOVIA MCS application name>/VueServlet

    • When MCS FCS and the FCS is pointing to an Oracle AutoVue server in its LAN, run the following URL from a web browser:

      http://<ENOVIA FCS Server Name OR ENOVIA FCS Server IP>:<Application Server port>/<ENOVIA FCS application name>/VueServlet

    The details about the Oracle AutoVue server such as, AutoVue server version, build and other details are displayed.