Creating Points

You can create reference points to use as construction features.

This task shows you how to:

Create a Reference Point Using Coordinates

You can create a point by defining the coordinates from a reference point.

  1. From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Point .
  2. In the Reference Point dialog box, from the Point type list, select Coordinates.
  3. Optional: Select a reference point from the work area.
  4. Specify the values for Distance X, Distance Y , and Distance Z.


    The Dimension Edit Box is displayed as you sketch. Type the value for the dimension and press Enter.

  5. Optional: To flip the values of X, Y, or Z, click .
  6. Click

Create a Reference Point on a Surface

You can create a point on a surface at a specified distance and direction from a reference point.

  1. From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Point .
  2. In the Reference Point dialog box, from the Point type list, select On Surface.
  3. Click Surface and select the surface from the work area.
  4. Optional: Click Reference and select a point on the selected surface where you want to create a reference point.

    By default the center of the surface is selected.

  5. Click Direction and from the work area, select a plane or an edge from the work area to specify a direction of a reference point.
  6. In the Distance from Reference, enter the value to specify a distance along the reference direction to display a point.


    The Dimension Edit Box is displayed as you sketch. Type the value for the dimension and press Enter.

  7. To flip the value, click .
  8. Click

Create a Reference Point on a Curve

You can create a point on a curve at a specified distance and direction from a reference point.

  1. From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Point .
  2. In the Reference Point dialog box, from the Point type list, select On Curve.
  3. From the Length type list, select one of the following:
    Length along curve

    Creates a point at a specified distance along the curve from the default location of a reference point.

    Note: A default location of a reference point is at the starting or end point of a selected surface curve.
    Length along direction

    Creates a point at a specified distance from the default location of a reference point.

    Note: If you select a plane as a direction, it should be perpendicular to the selected surface curve. If you select edge as a direction, it should be tangent to the surface curve.
    Percentage of curve length

    Creates a point along the surface curve from the default reference point location.

    Note: Specify the percentage value as a ratio of a length of a surface curve.
  4. From Measure list, select one of the following:

    Measures a distance along the curve of a selected surface.


    Measures a distance along the length of a selected surface.

  5. Click Curve and select the surface curve from the work area.
  6. Optional: Click Reference on curve and select a point on the selected surface where you want to create a reference point.

    By default a reference point appears at the starting or end point of a selected surface curve if you do not specify the point.

  7. Specify a value in Length.


    The Dimension Edit Box is displayed as you sketch. Type the value for the dimension and press Enter.

  8. Click

Create a Reference Point on a Plane

  1. From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Point .
  2. In the Reference Point dialog box, from the Point type list, select On plane.
  3. Click Plane and select a plane or face from the work area.
  4. Optional: Click Reference and click in thework area to specify a reference point.

    Note: A default reference point is the origin of a model.

  5. Optional: Click Projection to specify a surface on which the reference point is projected normally to the plane.
  6. Type the Vertical offset and Horizontal offset values to specify the reference point directions.
  7. To flip the values, click .
  8. Click

Create a Reference Point at a Center of an Arc

  1. From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Point .
  2. In the Reference Point dialog box, from the Point type list, select At arc center.
  3. Click Circular arc and select an arc from the work area.
    The reference point appears at the center of the selected arc.
  4. Click

Create a Reference Point on a Tangent Curve

  1. From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Point .
  2. In the Reference Point dialog box, from the Point type list, select On curve at tangent.
  3. Click Curve and select a curved edge from the work area
  4. Click Direction and select any edge or plane as a direction normal to the selected curve.
  5. Click

Create a Reference Point Between Two Reference Points

  1. From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Point .
  2. In the Reference Point dialog box, from the Point type list, select Between two points.
  3. Click First point and select an existing reference point from the work area.
  4. Click Second point and select another reference point from the work area.
  5. Optional: Click Support and select a face or plane on which the two reference points are located.
  6. Specify a Distance ratio value between the two reference points where you want to place your reference point.
  7. To clip the value, click .
  8. Click