Positioning a Geometry from One Axis to Another Axis

You can transpose a geometry positioned according to a reference axis system to another target axis system.

The geometry is duplicated and positioned according to the target axis system.

  1. From the Transform section of the action bar, click Axis to Axis .
    The Axis to Axis panel appears.
  2. Under Result, select one of the following options:
    • : the result of the transformation is a surface.
    • : the result of the transformation is a volume.

    Important: This switch only applies to volumes as the transformation of a surface can only be a surface.

    If you multiselect volumes and surfaces as inputs, the switch only affects volumes.

  3. In the work area, select the geometry to transpose.

    Note: You can select several geometries.

  4. In the tree, select a reference axis system, and then a target axis system.

    Important: You can only select these elements in the tree.

    A preview of the new geometry appears.

  5. Validate .