Creating Parallel Curves

You can create a curve parallel to an existing reference curve.

The new curve is positioned according to a defined offset: it can be the position of a point or a distance.

Important: The reference curve must lie on a support.

  1. From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Parallel Curve .
    The Parallel Curve panel appears.
  2. In the work area, select the reference elements:
    1. A curve
    2. A support

      The support can be a plane or a surface.

  3. To define the offset of the parallel curve, do one of the following:
    • In the work area, select a point.

      The parallel curve goes through this point:

    • In the Distance box, specify a value.

      The parallel curve is positioned according to the specified distance:

      • Click Invert Direction to reverse the direction of the parallel curve.
      • Click Mirror to create two parallel curves: one on each side of the reference curve.

  4. Under Advanced parameters, select a Parallel Mode:
    Euclidean The distance between both curves is the shortest possible distance, regardless of the support.
    Geodesic The distance between both curves is the shortest possible distance, taking the support curvature into account.
  5. If the selected Parallel Mode is Euclidean, select a Parallel Corner type:

    The parallel curve takes into account the angle in the initial curve.


    The parallel curve is rounded off as in a corner.

  6. Validate .