Inserting a New Reference

To create or develop a model, you can insert a new reference in the Functional or Logical category of the tree. You can also insert the System, Mission, and Service objects.

This task shows you how to:

Insert a New Function Reference

You can insert a function, a Mission, or Service component.

  1. In the tree, select an object.
  2. From the Editing section of the action bar, select Insert New Functional Reference .

    Note: The commands are also available from the context menu.

  3. In the Insert New Reference dialog box, select the type of component to be created in the Type box.

    Note: The Mission and Service components can be inserted only under their respective nodes.

  4. In the Title box, enter a name.
  5. Click OK.
    The new component is created and appears both in the tree and view structures.

    For the Mission and Service components, they appear under the Mission or Service node of the MMS tree profile or under the Function node of the default tree profile. For more information, see Root Nodes.

Insert a New Logical Reference

You can insert a logical component or a System component.

  1. In the tree, select an object.
  2. From the Editing section of the action bar, select Insert New Logical Reference .

    Note: The commands are also available from the context menu.

  3. In the Insert New Reference dialog box, select the type of component to be created in the Type box.

    Note: The System component can be inserted only under the System node.

  4. In the Title box, enter a name.
  5. Click OK.
    The new component is created and appears both in the tree and view structures.

    For the System component, it appears under the System node of the MMS tree profile or under the Logical node of the default tree profile. For more information, see Root Nodes.