Managing Allocation Between System and Component Volume

For system component or component volume, you can create or delete allocations 3D components. You can also change the allocation context for an allocation connection.

Allocable components are components that can be allocated to 3D components. All the components (logical, electrical logical, fluidic logical) which are not signals are processed as allocable components.

This task shows you how to:

Create Allocation

You can create an allocation between a component volume and an allocable component.

  1. Select one of the following components:
    • Product
    • Component volume
    • Root logical system
    • System component
  2. From the Systems Allocations section of the action bar, click Allocation Assistant .
  3. In the Allocation Assistant panel, click .
  4. Select the element to be allocated with the component volume or the system component.

    Note: Clicking , you can filter the components. This command appears when hovering the pointer over the panel header. If you filter the components, their interfaces in the children rows are also filtered.

    The allocated element appears in the second column and the third column displays under which product the connection is created.
  5. Click OK.


    The allocation connection is not visible in the tree. It can be managed only using Allocation Assistant .

Change Allocation Context

After creating an allocation, you can change the allocation context, for example moving the product under which the allocation appears.

  1. Hover over the Allocation Context cell to be modified.
  2. Click .
  3. Select a new product.

    • If the cell contains multiple elements, you can filter the content based on the selected element.
    • The Sys3D_ValidateAllocation business rule is invoked when you change the allocation context. For more information, see Validates Allocation (Sys3D_ValidateAllocation).