Generating 1D Beam Data

To reduce structural simulation time and also reduce time between the design-simulation phase, you can generate 1D beam data using ply section beam properties. All the elements within a region have the same propriety.

This task shows you how to:

Create 1D Beam Data

  1. From the Finite Elements section of the action bar, click Beam Generator .
  2. Optional: From the Beam Generation dialog box, enter a name.
  3. Select a centerline on which to generate the 1D beam data.
    The First point and Last Point fields are automatically computed.
    Note: You can edit the computed points manually. It allows you to select partially a curve.
  4. Define the number of regions and the number of elements per region to create. For more information, see Regions Definition.
  5. Optional: Apply local refinement for regions. For more information, see Refine Regions.
  6. Optional: Apply advanced properties. For more information, see Apply Advanced Properties.
  7. Click OK.

The 1D beam generator group is created.

Refine Regions

You can refine regions before generating 1D beam data.

  1. From the Beam Generation dialog box, click Local Refinement.
  2. From the Refine Planes dialog box, define local refinement:
    1. Add a region by clicking Insert/Add region.
    2. Remove regions by clicking Remove selected region.
    3. Edit the plane offset distance by clicking the corresponding cell in the Plane offset distance (mm) column.
    4. Edit the number of meshes to be created by clicking the corresponding cell in the Number of elements column.
  3. Click OK.

    Note: Click Reset local refinement to remove local refinement.

Apply Advanced Properties

You can define advanced properties when generating 1D beam data.

  1. From the Beam Generation dialog box, click More.
    The Beam Generation dialog box expands.
  2. Select one of the following computation methods:
    • Analytical: Computes beam properties from ply sections defined on your models, to analyze the structure using finite elements.
    • Fully coupled: Computes the beam section properties using the Simpack solver.
  3. Select Use high accuracy mode for Beam properties to use grid accuracy mode for beam properties.
  4. Select Use Grids for Beam Section Properties to use grids instead of ply groups to compute the section properties.
  5. Select material from the composites parameters.