About Analysis Case Selection for Simulation Execution

For simulations with multiple analysis cases, you can run the simulation for selected analysis cases, or you can run all of them. You can choose whether to execute multiple analysis cases concurrently (the default) or sequentially (one at a time). You can also customize the number of processor cores allocated to each analysis case that you run.

See Also
Running a Simulation from an App

The analysis cases available for simulation are shown in the Analysis case selection section of the Simulate dialog box.

You can run the selected analysis cases sequentially or in parallel. You may want to run sequentially for the following reasons:

  • Running concurrently is slow, which may happen with large models.

  • Running concurrently consumes too many licensing tokens at the same time and you run out of tokens.

You can specify the number of processor cores used to compute each analysis case. The default number of cores can be set in the Execution options in the Preferences dialog box.