Editing or Loading Beam Mesh Parameters

You can edit beam mesh parameters or load values from a saved beam mesh rule.

The Element order, Mesh size, and Absolute sag parameters are also available in the Beam Mesh dialog box. You can edit these parameters from either location.

If you load parameters from a mesh rule, any subsequent changes are saved and used only for the current mesh.

Before you begin: You must be in the process of editing a beam mesh. To load mesh parameters, a saved mesh rule must exist.
See Also
Creating Beam Meshes
  1. From the Beam Mesh dialog box, click Edit all parameters.
    The All Parameters dialog box appears.
  2. To load parameters from a saved meshing rule:
    1. Click .
      The Object Selection dialog box appears.
    2. Select one of the following tabs:

      • From Search to select a meshing rules document from all the meshing rules documents stored in the database.
      • From File to import a meshing rules document stored on your computer.
      • From Session to select a meshing rules document from the meshing rules documents already loaded in your session.

    3. Click OK in the Object Selection dialog box.

    Note: Only rules that were created for beam meshes are available for selection.

    The All Parameters dialog box displays the mesh parameters defined in the selected document. The rule name is displayed in the Initialize with field.

    The context menu on the Initialize with field allows you to Reload the saved rule parameters to replace any edits you make after loading a rule.

  3. Specify the Mesh parameters.
  4. Specify the Angle between curves.
    When you create the mesh, a node is created at the vertex joining two curves only if the curves meet at an angle greater than this value.
  5. Click one of the following:
    • OK to save your changes and to close the dialog box.
    • Cancel to cancel your modifications and to close the dialog box.
    The All Parameters dialog box closes, and you are returned to the Beam Mesh dialog box from which you started.