About Data Information Panel

The Data Information panel provides information about the active app and the selected object. You can use it to quickly edit the properties of an object.

This page discusses:

General Information

The Data Information panel:

  • Lets you edit the properties of a selected object
  • Is divided into sections
  • Provides information about the active app, the selected object, and its father
  • Is dynamic to be pertinent with the app in use


Type of Sections

There are three types of sections. The app you are working in automatically chooses which sections to display. The sections that appear follow the order below:

Order Type of Sections Information
1 Fixed section Provides information about the active app.
2 Object section Provides information about the selected object.
3 Father-Object section Provides information about the father of the selected object.


Each section of the Data Information panel displays the properties using this pattern:

Left Side Right Side
The name of the property The value of the property

Editing Values

You can edit values when:

  • A command explicitly allows you to edit values.
  • No command is activated.

To edit a value, you can:

  • Use its editor if it is displayed.
  • Double-click the value.

Editing a new value automatically ends the edition of the values that you were editing before.

The values that you edited or that were impacted by the editing of a value within the Data Information panel or the app are highlighted in blue.


Note: You can use the Undo/Redo log to access a register of all your editing.