You can convert a geometry in a Direct Design feature.
Converting the geometry sets the properties on specific faces depending on the industrial
context, and enables the direct editing of this geometry. If the geometry has been created
in Natural Shape, the conversion is not required.
Before you begin: Import a geometry from another app or CAD
Select the geometry to convert either in the tree or in the 3D area.
On the context toolbar, click Direct Design Feature.
The Direct Design Feature dialog box appears and the
Feature to convert value is automatically filled in.
You can
also click the Direct Design Feature from the Direct
Edit section of the action bar
and then select the geometry to convert.
Click the icon to perform
one of the following actions on the selected geometry:
Reframe in 3D:
centers the selected geometry in the 3D area.
Reframe in tree: centers the
selected geometry in the tree.
Clear input:
deletes the selection.
Select an industrial context in the list.
The industrial context identifies the domain in which you create your model (for
example, power train or body in white) and thereby defines industrial specifications for
fillet radii, chamfer distances and angles, and draft angles. You can expand the
Specifications section to display the properties of the selected
industrial context.
Select Chamfers recognition and Patterns