Advanced Attribute Mapping for Instances

You can copy attributes from a CATIA V5 file to 3DEXPERIENCE and vice versa by modifying the GCO (Global Configuration Object) attributes MCADInteg-CADToMxRelAttribMapping and MCADInteg-MxToCADRelAttribMapping.

See Also
About Attribute Mapping
Advanced Attribute Mapping
  1. Search and edit the GCO: CATIAV5UPS-GlobalConfig CATIAV5UPS TEAM. You can perform GCO modifications only in the on premises environment.
  2. Add the required attribute mapping to the GCO attribute MCADInteg-CADToMxRelAttribMapping. You can use the MCADInteg-CADToMxRelAttribMapping attribute to define CATIA V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE platform attribute mappings for relationships. This also helps you to synchronize attributes during the check in operation.



    For MCADInteg-CADToMxRelAttribMapping, custom attribute (for example Att1) must be present on assemblyComponent on the CAD side.

  3. Add the required attribute mapping to the MCADInteg-MxToCADRelAttribMapping attribute. You can use the MCADInteg-MxToCADRelAttribMapping attribute to define 3DEXPERIENCE platform to CATIA V5 mappings for relationships. This also helps you to synchronize attributes during the Open operation.



    You must create the custom attribute (for example Att1) for MCADInteg-MxToCADRelAttribMapping, if it is not present on the assemblyComponent. After this, the value is mapped.

    Instance attribute mapping is supported for the custom attributes of VPM instance. For custom mapping, the syntax is as follows:

    assemblyComponent,cus:Att1| VPMInstance,CustAttr1

    VPMInstance,CustAttr1| assemblyComponent,cus:Att1

    The cus keyword is mandatory to define custom attribute mapping.


    • cus:Att1 – Att1 is the custom attribute present on the CAD instance.
    • CustAttr1 is the custom attribute present on the VPMInstance.