Standard Publishing and Collaboration Flows

The Connector for Cadence Allegro HDL offers two different flow levels to handle the design in 3DEXPERIENCE.

This page discusses:

Standard Publishing Flow

The Publishing Flow, Level 1, lets you manage the entire project including schematic and layout data as a single business object. You can use this mode when there is a single designer responsible for both the schematic and layout of the design.

The Standard Publishing Flow uses the tools from Project Manager and Design Entry HDL to check-in an Allegro Design Entry HDL Project or Allegro Design Entry HDL Variant to 3DEXPERIENCE. The Allegro Design Entry HDL Project contains the complete design project inclusive Schematic and Layout. The Standard Publishing Flow needs a Cadence Project (.cpm file).

You can use the Client Connector from the ECAD tool. The integrated menu entries of the Client Connector let you perform various operations.

Standard Collaboration Flow

The Collaboration Flow, Level 3, lets you manage schematic data separately from the layout data. You can use this mode when there are different designers responsible for the schematic design and another for the layouts.

Standard Collaboration Flow uses the tools from Design Entry HDL and PCB Editor to check-in an Allegro Design Entry HDL Project, forward Annotation, Variant, Schematic, Allegro PCB Project, Backward Annotation, and Mechanical IDF Model Data to 3DEXPERIENCE. The Schematic Design needs a Cadence Project (.cpm file). The PCB Design and Mechanical Collaboration require a Cadence Board Project (.brd file).

The user can use the Client Connector from the ECAD tool. The integrated menu entry of the Client Connector lets you perform various operations.