Mapping ECAD Library to 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

You can synchronize components between ECAD library and 3DEXPERIENCE, and vice versa.

Before you begin: Complete the following steps before synchronizing components between ECAD library and 3DEXPERIENCE.
  • Run the Setup Synchronization task, which helps you to set up the mapping between ECAD library and 3DEXPERIENCE.
  • Log in to 3DEXPERIENCE if you have not already done so.
  • Choose the appropriate mapping file for 3DEXPERIENCE Engineering BOM Management and 3DEXPERIENCE Part and IP Classification Libraries.
  1. The first dialog is the Component Data Management (CDM) setup wizard introduction that, explains its usage. Click Next to continue.
  2. Specify the applicable General Settings for CDM and click Next to continue.

    Use Classification based on:

    Option Description
    BOM Management types 3DEXPERIENCEEngineering BOM Management Types will be used for the synchronization.
    Part and IP Classification Libraries Part and IP Classification Libraries and or Part Families will be used for synchronization.

    Web forms:

    Option Description
    Search Definition When retrieving parts from3DEXPERIENCE , select the web form that defines the search criteria.
    3DEXPERIENCEData Definition In 3DEXPERIENCE, either retrieve the data or select the web form used to update the components for Component Data Management.
    3DEXPERIENCE Existence Check Select the web form used to verify if a component does exist in 3DEXPERIENCE.
    Add Components in 3DEXPERIENCE Allows creation of new components if they do not exist in 3DEXPERIENCE.
    IInclude3DEXPERIENCE Subtypes Selecting this check box automatically considers all the subtypes of the selected types. If cleared, only the selected type is considered, and the subtypes are left out.
    Use 3DEXPERIENCE Modified Date Defines the number days since the components must have been to become considered for synchronization.

  3. Specify a mapping file between ECAD-3DEXPERIENCE and 3DEXPERIENCE-ECAD. Click Browse and specify the mapping file in the file chooser dialog. After the mapping files are selected, click Next to continue with the setup.
  4. You can create some preselection of the classes and store them under a single group using New. After the group is created, you can make this group the default so that the connector automatically uses this group during the synchronization.

    Option Description
    New This option opens up the Class Selection dialog box. The user can select all the classes to be grouped together and enter a Selection Name in the text field. By clicking OK, the selected classes are stored in the group name specified and returned to the previous screen.
    Edit Helps in editing the created class group. You can edit the selections by selecting the selection name and clicking Edit. This opens up the Edit Selection dialog for you to modify the selections and clicking OK saves the selections.
    Delete This option deletes the class group created. A warning dialog opens up if the selection needs to be deleted. If you click Yes, then the selection group is deleted. Click No to cancel the deletion and return to the previous screen.
    Set as Default This option helps to specify the current selection group as the default selection for the connector to use automatically during synchronization. You need to select the Selection group created and then click Set as default .

  5. You can create some preselection of the Part type and store it under a single group using New. Once the group is created, you can make this group the default so that the connector automatically uses this set during the synchronization.

    Option Description
    New This option opens up the 3DEXPERIENCE Class Selection dialog. You can select all the part classes to be grouped together and enter a Selection Name in the text field. By clicking OK, the selected classes are stored in the group name specified and returned to the previous screen.
    Edit This option helps in editing the created part group. You can edit the selections by selecting the Selection Name and selecting Edit. This opens up the Edit Selection dialog for you to modify the selections and by clicking OK, saves the selections.
    Delete This option deletes the part type group created. A warning dialog opens up if the Selection must be deleted. If you select Yes, then the selection group is deleted. Select No and it cancels the deletion and returns to the previous screen.
    Set as Default This option helps in choosing the Current selection group as the default selection for the connector to use automatically during synchronization. Select the selection group created and then select Set as default.

  6. Click Finish to complete the setup. This step creates PED files in the Enoviastore under the Library Project directory. There is a dedicated PED file for all the preselections made and another which stores the path of the mapping file and other CDM setups. The settings made here are used when you run the CDM task.

The connector loads all the settings automatically from the PED files into the CDM synchronization dialog.