Searching for Parts

You can search for parts in 3DEXPERIENCE based on various optional criteria.

  1. Select Part Search.
  2. Enter the pertinent criteria.
    1. Enter the applicable criteria information.

      Criteria OptionDescription
      TypePart type.
      NamePart name. You can use a wild-card character (*). An empty field returns all the parts existing in 3DEXPERIENCE
      RevisionIf you specify the revision of an object, Client Connector returns all parts belong to that specified revision.
      Latest RevisionThis check box is used to return all the latest revision
      PolicyPolicy that governs the object you want to find.
      StateThe state the part is in. Click browse to see your options and select the one that applies.
      VaultThe vault that the part exists in. Click browse to see your options and select the appropriate one.
      DescriptionThis is the description of the part that was specified during the part creation process.
      Search LimitClient Connector returns the number of objects specified in this field.

    2. Enter the optional operator information.

      String TypeDescription
      Begins WithFinds the parts that have an attribute value starting with the entered string.
      Ends WithFinds the parts that have an attribute value ending with the entered string.
      IncludesFinds the parts that include the entered string.
      Is ExactlyFinds the parts that have an attribute value exactly as the entered value.
      Is NotFinds the parts that do not have the entered string value.
      MatchesFinds the parts that have an attribute value matching the entered string.

    3. Enter the optional numeric type (integer/float) information.

      Numeric TypeDescription
      Is at leastFinds the parts that have an attribute value of at least the specified numeric value.
      Does not equalFinds the parts that have an attribute value except the specified value.
      EqualsFinds the parts that have an attribute value equaling the numeric value specified.
      Is betweenFinds the parts that have an attribute value lying between the specified numeric values.
      Is Less thanFinds the parts that have an attribute value less than the specified numeric value.
      Is more thanFinds the parts that have an attribute value more than the specified numeric value.

  3. Click one of the following actions:

    SearchThis returns the search results in the right pane of the search dialog based on the criteria specified by the user. You can select the part and click OK to assign the selected part to the component in the BOM editor dialog.
    CancelThis closes the search dialog and ends the search operation.
    ResetThis clears all the search results.

    The results of the search are displayed in the right pane of the search dialog based on the criteria input.

The requested part or parts are returned.