Applying Design Zone Specifications

Once you have redesigned the optimized fluid geometry, you can close it to be able to validate it.

Before you begin:
  1. From the Surface design section of the action bar, click Apply Design Zone Specifications .
  2. In the Detailed design box, select one of the following elements:
    • A body. You can choose to paste the input body with link, without link, or use the selected body.
    • A closed surface or a volume.
  3. Select the optimization case and the volume to optimize.
  4. Choose where to apply the specifications:
    • In a new geometrical set with link
    • In a new geometrical set without link
    • In the same geometrical set

    If the reconstructed surface is not connected to one inlet or outlet, a blend feature is created between the reconstructed surface and the inlet or outlet to make a smooth junction.

    : inlet

    : reconstructed surface

    : outlet

    : in red, curves where junctions must be created

    Here is the result with the blend features shown in purple: