Using Converter Wizard

Approximating and Segmenting Procedural Curves

You can convert curves and modify the segments of any curve.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape containing a curve approximate.
  1. Select the curve.
  2. From the Modify section of the action bar, click Converter Wizard .
  3. Set the deviation Tolerance from the initial curve. On the geometry, a red text appears if the tolerance is not respected. This text changes to green when the new element is within the specified tolerance.
  4. Set the maximum allowed Orders along the U direction for each curve segment. This value must be greater than or equal to 2 if the segmentation options are grayed (one segment only). When there are several segments, it must be larger than 4.
  5. Set the Segmentation, that is the maximum allowed segments along the U direction. If Single is selected, a mono-segment curve is created.
  6. Click Priority for Order or Segmentation to define which parameter takes precedence over the other one.
  7. Optional: Click Continuity in the App Options panel.
  8. Click OK.