Creating Offset Surfaces

Offset lets you create an offset of a surface or a set of surfaces. It can be any type of surface, including multi-patch surfaces resulting from fill or any other operation.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a surface.

Create an Offset Surface

  1. In the Surface box, select a surface or a set of surfaces.
    An arrow indicates the proposed offset direction.
  2. Specify the offset distance by entering the value in the Offset box or manipulating the arrows in the work area.
  3. Click Preview to preview the offset surface.
    The offset surface is displayed normal to the reference surface.
  4. Click OK.

  • Depending on the geometry configuration and the offset value, an offset may not be allowed as it would result in a debased geometry. In this case, you need to decrease the offset value or modify the initial geometry.
  • When you modify an input value through the dialog box, such as the offset value or the direction, the result is computed only when you click Preview or OK.