Displaying Geometric Information On Elements

Geometric Information lets you display geometric information on the elements.

Before you begin: open an existing 3D shape.
  1. In the 3D area or the tree, select the element for which you want to display information.
  2. From the Review section of the action bar, click Geometric Information .

    A vector representing the element's orientation (U for a curve, and U and V for a surface) is displayed on the geometrical element.

    • For elements whose type is either NurbsCurve, PNurbs or NurbsSurface, a (*) will be appended to the displayed type when the element is not rational, i.e., a polynomial one.
    • Canonical type will be Unknown when it is not possible to determine it (for example; multiple surfaces or parts).
  3. Optional: In the App Options panel, click Furtive Display to display the control points.
  4. To display information on another element, select the element in the 3D area or in the tree.

    Note: The Geometric Information command can be applied to geometrical elements such as a curve, or a surface, either as a stand-alone element, or taking 3D shape in the composition of another element (intersection curve, cylinder axis, face of a pad, etc.).