Distance Analysis Dialog Box

The Distance Analysis dialog box appears when you click Distance Analysis in the Review section

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:

See Also
In the Knowledge Base
Starting from R21, the equivalents of the former "First Set" and "Second Set" boxes are named as "Target" and "Source" boxes respectively

Projection Space

Defines the preprocessing of the source elements used for the computation. The Projection Space contains the following options:

No Projection Of Elements
Computes between the initial elements.
Projection in X direction
Projects according to the X axis. The computation is done between the projected source elements and the target elements.
Projection in Y direction
Projects according to the Y axis. The computation is done between the projected source elements and the target elements.
Projection in Z direction
Projects according to the Z axis. The computation is done between the projected source elements and the target elements.
Projection in Robot direction
Projects according to the current Robot orientation. The computation is done between the projected source elements and the target elements.
Planar distance
Computes the distance between a planar source curve and the intersection of the plane containing that curve. Only available when analyzing the distances between a planar source curve and a surface target set.

Measurement Direction

Provides options to define the direction for distance computation.

Normal distance

Computes the distance according to the normal to the target elements.

Computes the distance according to the X axis.
Computes the distance according to the Y axis.
Computes the distance according to the Z axis.
Distance inRobot direction
Computes the distance according to the Robot orientation.


The Relimitation options allow you to limit the result of distance analysis.

User max distance
Defines the maximum distance in absolute value for computation. No computation is done above this provided value.
Automatic discretization points elimination
Delimits the set of points of discretization to be taken into account for the computation, in the case of a large set of points of discretization. This improves the performance.
Limits the discretized curve
Relimits the discretized curve.
Limits the non discretized curve
Relimits the nondiscretized curve.
Signed value distance mode
In some cases, the distance between the discretized points and surfacic elements can be negative regarding the topological normal of the surfacic element. In this mode, the orientation of the topological normal is taken into account.


Reduces or increases the number of points of discretization from the source elements.

To get the highest computation precision:

  • Set the discretization option to a maximum.
  • This option is unavailable in the Texture mapping mode. In this mode, set 3D Accuracy > Fixed to 0.01.
  • Clear Automatic discretization points elimination option.

Display Options

Defines display options.

Limited color range
Displays a simplified analysis with only three values and four colors. This is the default color range.
Full color range
Displays a complete analysis based on the chosen color range. This allows you to see exactly the variations in distance between different parts of the selected elements.
Displays the colored points
Displays the result of distance analysis by coloring discretization points according to current color scale and computation results.
Texture mapping mode
Checks the analysis using color distribution.
  • This option is only available with surface elements in the source set, providing this set is discretized.
  • The distance is computed from this discretized set to the other set.
  • The texture mapping is computed on the discretized surface. It is not advised to use it with planar surfaces or ruled surfaces.
  • A user-defined color without associated value is added in the full or the limited color range, which allows you to manage an independent color for no valuated area.
  • Statistical distribution, Min/Max values, and Points cannot be visualized when using the Texture mapping mode option.
  • Select View > Render Style > Customize View. In the View Mode Customization dialog box, select the following options to see the analysis results on the selected element. Otherwise a warning is issued:
    • Select the Edges and points check box and then select All edges.
    • Select the Shading check box and then select Material.
2D Diagram

Displays a 2D diagram representing the distance variation. This option is available only for mono-cell curve elements selected as the source.

Display Statistics
Displays the percentage of points between two values, effective when the Color scale option is selected. This option is unavailable in the Texture mapping mode.
Min value
Displays the minimum distance values and locations on the geometry.
Max value
Displays the maximum distance values and locations on the geometry.
Enables running point

Allows you to display a precise distance value between the point below the cursor and the other elements when you move the cursor over a discretized source element.

The projection is visualized and the value is displayed in the work area. Note that the analyzed point is not necessarily a discretized point in this case. This is obvious when a low discretization value is specified.

Comb Options

Display the comb
Displays the distance analysis in the shape of spikes on the geometry and specifies the ratio for the spike size.
zoom-independent length
Sets an automatically optimized spike size.
Inverts the spikes
Inverts the spike visualization on the geometry.
Envelope Display
Displays the envelope, that is the curve connecting all spikes.
X2 and /2
Allows you to change the value of the amplitude factor for displaying the spikes.