From the Review section of the action bar, click Parameterization
- In the Filter list, select Root
The query is launched and the viewer automatically updates. The
inactivated features and datum features are displayed.
- Select the Inactivated Features filter to display inactivated features only.
- Select the Isolated
Features filter to display the features who do not have any parents or children.
- Click Displays body
display the expanded tree structure. Each feature is displayed within its own body.
For further information
- about sketches, see 3D Modeling: 3D Modeling Core: Sketcher User's Guide: Analyzing and Resolving Over-Constrained or Inconsistent Sketches.
- about Features with stop update and active stop update, see 3D Modeling: 3D Modeling Core: Part Design User's Guide: About Updating Your Design.
- about knowledge formulas, see 3D Modeling: Multi Discipline Automated Engineering: Engineering Rules Capture
User's Guide.
- about Bodies, see 3D Modeling: 3D Modeling Core: Part Design User's Guide.