Creating an Elastic Layer

Use Elastic Layer to create an elastic layer.

  1. Alternatively, double-click a layer in the tree, or select a layer and click Elastic Layer.
  2. Optional: Replace the default name with a more significant one.
  3. Define the contour.
    • Either create a sketch positioned on the defined plane, with the origin and u,v direction retrieved from the stacking definition. It represents the layer boundary.
    • Or create a pattern from a predefined empty sketch. You can add geometry. The geometry is aggregated under the layer, inside a dedicated node.
    • Or create a symmetry.
  4. Click to select a material.
  5. If the layer does not share the same machine or cross direction as the stacking,
    • Press Rotate: +90deg. Both directions are rotated.
    • Or select Invert machine direction. Only the machine direction is inverted.
  6. From the color editor, pick the color to display the layer.
  7. Enter the Elasticity ratio.
  8. Select a Length inside the constraints node of the sketch.
    This Length is added to the layer parameters. The parameter is linked to the Length constraint to expose the parameters driving the geometry. The name of the parameter is that of the constraint.
  9. Optional: Select the Hide all except this layer check box.
  10. Validate.