Creating a Profile Layer by Planes

Use Profile Layer by Planes to create a Profile Layer, where a material ratio is applied to each cell of a grid.

  1. Optional: Replace the default name Profile Layer.n with a more significant one.
  2. Click to select a material.
  3. Define the contour: Create a sketch positioned on the defined plane, with the origin and u,v direction retrieved from the stacking definition. It represents the layer boundary.
  4. Define the Channels by a sketch or a symmetry.
  5. Select an existing Starting Point or use the context menu to create one.
  6. If the layer does not share the same machine or cross direction as the stacking,
    • Press Rotate: +90deg. Both directions are rotated.
    • Or select Invert machine direction. Only the machine direction is inverted.
  7. From the color editor, pick the color to display the layer.
  8. Enter a Density NLS.
  9. Enter the Boost ratio with new weight.
  10. Enter the Weight of material to use.
  11. Use Reset Ratio or Scale Ratio as required.
  12. Optional: Hide the whole stacking except the profile layer.
  13. Select a View mode.
  14. For MD Profile:
    1. Select existing sketches or use the Sketcher to define Channels.
    2. Select an existing Starting Point or use the context menu to create one.
    3. Select or create planes.
  15. Pick a zone to edit the value of mass of the zone.
  16. Either:
    • Pick a cell and modify the Density.
      Note: Modifying one modifies the other accordingly.
    • Pick several cells and modify the sum of the Density of these cells.
      Note: The Density of each cell is modified accordingly.
  17. Press Preview.
  18. Use Reset Ratio whenever required.
  19. Once all cells are defined, validate.