Creating a Stitching Bond

Use Stitching Bond to connect several layers.

Before you begin: A stacking with at least one layers group must exist.
  1. Optional: Replace the default name Stitching Bond.n with a more significant one.
  2. Select a material.
  3. Define the Area by a profile, a sketch or a symmetry.
  4. Define the Geometries.
    • Either create a sketch.
      Note: Click Parameters in the tree to create parameters from the context toolbar.
    • Or create a pattern from a predefined empty sketch. The geometry is aggregated under the layer, inside a dedicated node.
    • Or create a symmetry.
  5. From the color editor, pick the color of the stitching bond.
  6. Enter the type of stitching.
  7. Enter the length of the stitching bond.
  8. Specify the End Layer and the Start Layer.

    Tip: Press Start End Illustration for help.

  9. Optional: Select the Hide all except this layer check box.
  10. Press Preview to verify the proposed result.