Relimitation adds material to redefine the boundary of a layer, to simulate the cut of infinite ribbons to create layers. Each relimiting zone contains a relimiting wire, a direction of relimitation (Machine direction, cross direction, or both), and a direction to indicate the side to keep. In the examples below, the wire is in light blue. The orange arrow indicates the side to keep. With this input The addition of material on such open sides is computed with the semi-infinite line along the
adding direction passing through the extremum of the layer along the other direction. In this
example, If the relimiting wire creates a perfectly closed area with the boundary
If a domain of the layer does not touch directly the relimiting wire, you can force the
addition of material. In this example, the two-domains layer is relimited by a wire that
intersects only one domain.
To enable the addition of material, the relimiting wire must be larger than the layer.