Creating Core Samples

You can create core samples to drill the part at one or several spots to retrieve the layer information.

  1. From the Review section of the action bar, click Multiple Core Samples .
  2. Pick one or several points on the layers group to analyze.
    • A point is created at each pick, and is used to perform the analysis of the layers under this point.
    • In the tree
      • A Review Tools node is created.
      • A Multi Core Sample node is created under Review Tools.
      • One Core Sample feature is created for each pick. It contains the analysis results.
    • The dialog box is populated with the analysis results:
      • The Core Samples List with
        • The Index and Name of the core samples.
        • For each core sample, the Number of Layers, the Thickness, the corresponding Point and the visibility status (Hide or Show).

        You can hide/show, remove, or edit each core sample.

      • The Layers List with
        • The active Filters (such as Stacking, Layers Group, …)
        • Number of layers
        • Total Thickness
        • The list of Layers Group, with their active Layers and Material.
  3. Select a core sample and press Edit.

    Alternatively, double-click an existing core sample in the tree.

    1. Modify the Name of the core sample.
    2. Modify the Display Options.