Nesting Pieces

You can optimize the number of parts that can be produced from a given material roll and reduces material waste.

  1. From the Review section of the action bar, click Nesting .
  2. Select the layer to nest.
  3. Enter the Material Roll definition.

    The material roll is considered as rectangular, with its left bottom angle on the origin of the material axis system, The X-axis in the Machine Direction, the Y-axis in the Cross Direction.

    • MD Width: Roll dimension parallel to MD.
    • CD Height: Roll dimension parallel to CD.
    • Left and right margins: Minimum distance between the pieces and the boundaries of the material roll, parallel to Y-axis.
    • Bottom and top margins: Minimum distance between the pieces and the boundaries of the material roll, parallel to X-axis.
  4. Set the distance between pieces.
  5. Optional: Select the Replicate group of pieces check box and enter the number of pieces in the group.
    A group of the given number of pieces is created, to be replicated on the material roll to optimize the number of nested pieces.
  6. Select a Laying option.
    • Maximize nested pieces number: Nesting is computed using the three options below. The option that lays the greatest number of pieces is kept.
    • Column along CD, Duplication along MD: Pieces are laid on a column along CD. The column is duplicated along MD, without rotation.
    • Column along CD, Duplication along MD, rotation: Pieces are laid on a column along CD. The column is then duplicated along MD and rotated at 180 degrees.
    • Row along MD, Duplication along CD, rotation: Pieces are laid on a row along MD. Then alternate duplications of the row are made along the CD, with a 180 degrees rotation.
  7. Press Preview.
    The nesting is displayed in the 3D area. The number of nested pieces and the used area are displayed in the dialog box.

  8. Validate
    A nesting feature is created under the tree. It contains an editable NestingPieces features and the nesting roll boundaries.