Displaying a Section of a Layer

You can display a section of a layer.

  1. From the Review section of the action bar, click Section
  2. Select the Section Plane.
  3. Select the Crossed Objects to which the section applies.
  4. Select the required Section Type.
    • Realistic
    • Schematic: Sufficient for most cases, makes the computation shorter.
  5. Select the Display Type.
    • Surfacic: Each section is a planar surface.
    • Block Linear: Each section is a closed contour.
    • Light Linear: Each section is a curve.
  6. Enter a Scale Factor (Integer only).
  7. Enter the section ramp size
  8. Optional: Select a projection plane or create it from the context menu.
    The section is projected onto this plane instead of onto the cutting plane.
  9. Enter the Default Layer Thickness value.
    The default layer thickness is used whenever the thickness information or material are missing.
  10. Validate.
    • The sections are created.
    • If it did not already exist, a Review tools is created in the tree.
    • A 3D Sections node is created under Review tools.
    • Each time you create a set of sections, it is added to the 3D Sections node, as 3D Section.x
    • This set contains the created sections.