Using the Stacking Management

You can manage plies groups, sequences, plies, and cut-pieces using the Stacking Management.

  1. From the Review section of the action bar, click Stacking Management .

    Stacking Management helps you edit, select, or review a stacking.

    • The tabular view or 2D viewer can be panned and zoomed.
    • It displays information about layers groups and layers.

  2. Click Display Columns to add or remove columns from the display.
  3. Double-click the value of the Show attribute of any element
    The value changes from TRUE to FALSE or vice versa, enabling you to hide or display the element, be it at the layer or layer group level.
  4. Press
    • to work at the layer group level.

      The table displays the number of layers of the group, the material, the type of layers, the color, and the show status.

    • to work at the layer level.

      For each layer, the table displays the name of the father layer group, the name of the layer, its material, type, color, and show status. It also displays relation layers and mechanical bonds.

  5. Select one or several rows and click Row Edition to edit the material, show status, and rename the layer (using name, start index, step, and number of digits).

    Only relevant attributes can be edited.

  6. Click Move Row.
    1. In the table, select the row to move.
    2. Select the target row.
      The moved row is copied before the target row.

      When working at layer level, the row is moved only inside the layers group.

  7. Click Swap Rows and select the two rows to swap.

    • Swap Rows applies to any entities.
    • It does not support filters.
    • Rows are swapped only inside the same group.

  8. Click Cut Row or Copy Row and select one or several rows. Click Paste Row to paste them

    Cut Row

    • Is available only on layer level.
    • Supports filters.
    • Supports multiselection.
    Copy Row and Paste Row
    • Are available on both layers group and layer levels.
    • Do not support filters.
    • Support Multiselection.

    All attributes, including the geometry, are pasted. Paste is done before the selected row in the 2D view, at the end of the layer group in the tree. The rows are moved to right location when you leave Stacking Management.
  9. Next to Filters, click Rows.

    • Filters apply to both entity levels.
    • The content of the dialog box varies with the level.
    • A column that is not displayed cannot be filtered.
    • A displayed column that has been filtered cannot be hidden.

    1. In the dialog box, enter the values of the required filters.
      • ON becomes available and is selected.
      • The table is updated accordingly.
      • The filtered columns are marked with (*).
  10. In the 2D Viewer, select OFF to de-activate the filters.
    • All the information is displayed again.
    • The filters are kept.
    • ON is still available.
  11. Use Reframe and Entity Preview as required.