
This check verifies the content of a text with the Modifiable in instance attribute in 2D components.

This page discusses:


In a layout sheet, you can instantiate an external 2D components containing a text. This text has a unique name and a Modifiable in Instance attribute which allows you to edit it individually without losing the link to the catalog.

When using the check, you can verifies that the content of the text matches the following rules:

  • The Content of the text fully or partially matches the sheet name or sheet format name.

  • The Content of the text matching a fixed character string or Regular Expression. Text elements with an incorrect content will be rated as incorrect.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: DrwSheet
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_SheetName: String.

    Specifies the names of the sheets that contain 2D components with text elements to be checked. This field must not be empty. You can use Regular Expressions.

    Note: Empty.
  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_ViewName: String.

    Specifies the names of the views that contain the 2D components to be checked. This field must not be empty. You can use Regular Expressions.

    Note: Empty.
  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_MustContainTextElements: List(String).

    Specifies the names of the text elements that must exist in the 2D component. This field must not be empty. You can use Regular Expressions.

    Note: Empty.
  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_Required2DComponentsMin: Integer.

    Specifies the allowed minimum number of 2D components in the specified views that contain the required text elements.

    Note: 1.
  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_Required2DComponentsMax: Integer.

    Specifies the allowed maximum number of 2D components in the specified views that contain the required text elements.

    Note: 10.
  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_OnlyOneMustContainTextElement: String.

    This parameter is required if the number of allowed 2D components is greater than 1; otherwise this field may be left empty. Specify the name of a text element that exists only in the one 2D component containing the text elements to be checked. An error is reported if the named text element exists in more than one or no 2D component matching the specifications.

  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_PropertyToCompare: String.

    Specify which sheet property to compare: SheetName or SheetFormat.

    Note: SheetName.
  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CaptureTextPropertyExpressions: List(String).

    In this column, enter a Regular Expression for the sheet property to be compared.

    Note: Empty.
  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CaptureTextInTexts: List(String).

    In this column, specify the name of the text element to be checked. If there is no text element with the specified name, this comparison will be ignored. You can use Regular Expressions. Number of items in this list must match with Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CaptureTextPropertyExpressions.

    Note: Empty.
  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CaptureTextValues: List(String).

    In this column, specify a Regular Expression for the required content of the text elements. Replace the substring matching the sheet property by \1 as the back reference placeholder. Number of items in this list must match with Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CaptureTextPropertyExpressions. If the text content does not match strings in this list, during healing, the text is fully replaced with the string specified in this column.

    Note: Example: Suppose a sheet must contain a 2D Component containing a text element that contains the number from the end of the sheet name. Following should be the Parameters: Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_PropertyToCompare = SheetName Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CaptureTextPropertyExpressions => nth item = ".*[0-9]*" (for Sheet.12, this expression extracts "12") Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CaptureTextInTexts => nth item = "Text.3" (Text.3 should contain the number of Sheet name.) Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CaptureTextValues => nth item = ".*\1" (If Text.3 has string "Sheet Index = 12", it is not a failure. If Text.3 has string "Sheet Index = 7", it is a failure.)
  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CheckTextValuesInTexts: List(String).

    Specify how to compare certain text elements with Regular Expressions. In this column, specify the name of the text element to be checked.

  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CheckTextValues: List(String).

    In this column, specify a Regular Expression for the required content of the text elements. Number of items in this list must match with Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CheckTextValuesInTexts.

  • Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CheckTextValuesHealing: List(String).

    In this column, specify the replacement value used by the Q-Checker healing function. For healing to work correctly, number of items in this list must match with Std2DCompTextMatchSheetName_CheckTextValuesInTexts. If the text content does not match the corresponding specified value, then during healing the incorrect text is fully replaced with the text specified in this column.