
This check verifies whether the value of the bend radius of all the rigid route nodes is valid based on the Turn Rule table. If not, the check fails.

This page discusses:


In a bended route, each bend node has a bend radius value. This bend radius value is defined in the Bend Radius column of the Turn Rule table.

Note: The check also fails if:
  • No specification is set on the rigid route.
  • No Turn Rule table exists in the specification.
  • The Turn Rule table does not return any values for this context.

For more information about the table, see Piping & Tubing Design Administration Guide: Data Setup: Piping/Tubing Resource Files: Resource Files - Common Tables: Turn Rule.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: Piping_Pipe_Occurrence
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • IsToUseDefaultSpecification: Boolean type.

    Specifies whether to use the default specification if no specification is specified on the rigid route.

    Note: By default, the value is set to TRUE.

  • IsToIgnoreParametricRoute: Boolean type.

    Specifies whether to ignore the parametric route to let you edit the bend radius freely.

    Note: By default, the value is set to TRUE.

  • IsToHaveSameBendRadiusForPipe: Boolean type.

    Verifies whether the value of all bend radiuses is identical. Set it to FALSE to apply a local bend radius.

    Note: By default, the value is set to TRUE.