
This check verifies whether each member of the spool is placed accordingly to its behavior, based on the Spool Rule table. If not, the check fails.

This page discusses:


The Spool Rule table lists three parameters: Part Subtype, End Style, and Behavior. The behavior indicates whether a particular combination is to be forbidden in spool, border of spool, or inside spool.

Note: The check also fails if:
  • No specification is set on the part.
  • No Spool Rule table exists in the specification.
  • The Spool Rule table does not return any value for this part.
  • One of the spool member status is not valid.

For more information about the table, see Piping & Tubing Design Administration Guide: Data Setup: Piping/Tubing Resource Files: Resource Files - Common Tables: Spool Rule.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: Piping_Spool_Occurrence
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters: IsToUseDefaultSpecification: Boolean type.

Specifies whether to use the default specification if the members of the spool are not part of any specification.

Note: By default, the value is set to TRUE.