
This check verifies the consistency of the length of a segment according to a specified minimum and maximum length. The check also verifies the separation code consistency.

Note: The check succeeds if the length of the segments and their separation code concur with specified parameters.

This page discusses:


In the following example, an assembly includes a branch with four segments:

  • Segment.1 -
  • Segment.2 -
  • Segment.3 -
  • Segment.4 -

The length of Segment.1 is less than the specified minimum length.

As a consequence, the check fails:

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: ElectricalBranchGeometryOccurrence
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • SegmentMaximumLength: Length type.

    This parameter allows to specify the maximum length allowed for a segment.

  • SegmentMinimumLength: Length type.

    This parameter allows to specify the minimum length allowed for a segment.

  • SeparationCode: List type.

    This parameter allows to specify the list of allowed strings to use as a separation code for the segment.